Dr. Di Penta is a dealer and a scholar having published two major monographs: Giovan Battista Spinola, cardinal San Cesareo, collezionista e mecenate di Baciccio (Gangemi editore, Roma 2007); and Andrea de Leone (Napoli 1610-1685): Dipinti e Disegni (De Luca editori d’Arte, Roma 2016). Mostly focused on Baroque art, artists and patronage, her list of publications includes many essays and articles published on the most renowned scientific journals including the “Journal of the Warburg and Courtauld Institutes” and “Paragone”. (A full list is available on Academia.edu or Kubikat.org )
A first catalog of the gallery with a selection of 10 paintings was released on the occasion of the International Biennial of Florence 2019, edited by MDP and written in collaboration with other scholars, while a second is already in preparation. Click here to consult the catalog.
The postcards of our highlights are also available for our followers in our signature-orange batch!
Click here to see the list of Miriam’s publications and download the pdfs.